Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Benefits of RECEPT Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract

2018 was a breakthrough year for hemp extract and cannabidiols. From capsules, tinctures and pumps to patches, edibles, drinks, and pet products—the hemp extract and CBD market made a household name for itself this past year—a $600 million name in fact. With hemp extract and CBD’s rise in nationwide popularity, an influx of new companies and products have made their way to the market. And that growth isn’t expected to slow, as data forecasts project the hemp-derived CBD industry will reach $22 billion by 2022.
A pioneer in the industry before it was “trendy”; PrimeMyBody is now a mainstay on the hemp oil and extract market. We have a responsibility to our Affiliates, customers, and the entire market to offer premium products that harness and effectively deliver the natural benefits hemp so readily provides. That mission led us to the development of RECEPT broad spectrum hemp extract.
 A New Hemp Extract Experience
To be a leader in this new age of hemp health you have to take forward-thinking approaches to product development. RECEPT is a statement to the metamorphosing hemp market. It is a declaration that room for improvement is always open, that unlocking hemp’s seemingly limitless health potential is an ongoing affair.
With guidance from our Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Cheng Ruan, we took calculated measures to decipher how a hemp and phytocannabinoid product could be improved and made better. For us it started with expanding the phytocannabinoid and terpene profile as a way to develop a more well-rounded entourage effect.
Simply put, an entourage effect is the concept that various compounds in the hemp plant work best when synergized together, rather than being isolated. This orchestra of compounds all harmoniously playing together organically promotes more impactful health results.
“The focus on cannabidiol or CBD has probably been the most famous and most studied, up until now. We wanted to recognize that the entourage effect is going to have a more powerful effect on the human system and also have a more natural effect,” says Dr. Ruan.
“RECEPT is about something the body is able to utilize to balance itself. It’s all about balance and equilibrium these days. That’s where the hemp industry is going and why we wanted to be ahead of the curve with RECEPT.”

A Spotlight on CBG (Cannabigerol)

A key phytocannabinoid that contributes to a complete entourage effect is CBG or cannabigerol. Overshadowed culturally by CBD and THC, CBG is a rising star in the hemp and wellness field. “A focus it seems now is pharmaceutical companies are taking note of its benefits and starting to purchase plots of land for the making of CBG-heavy hemp plants in preparation of doing their own clinical trials,” adds Dr. Ruan.
A precursor or parent compound to many other phytocannabinoids like CBD and THC, CBG’s potential effects on health and wellness have only begun to be tapped. “CBG is a compound that we’re starting to see a tremendous amount of data on, especially toward the end of 2018,” says Dr. Ruan.
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Article Provided by:  #MSViewsandNews

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